should you buy a home with termite damage

Should You Buy a Home with Termite Damage or Plumbing Problems?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Should you buy a home with termite damage or plumbing problems? It’s a question that can give any homebuyer pause, especially after an exhaustive search for the perfect property. Imagine finally finding the house of your dreams, only to discover that it has been plagued by termites or has plumbing issues. It can leave you feeling uncertain and unsure of the right course of action.  In this blog post, we will delve into the considerations of buying a home with termite damage or plumbing problems, arming you with the knowledge needed to make a confident and informed decision. Should You Buy A Home With Termite Damage? Termite damage is a serious concern that can have far-reaching consequences for a property. While the visible damage may provide some insight, it often fails to reveal the full extent of the infestation. Termites are sneaky creatures, causing damage in hidden areas that go unnoticed, which can be perilous for the home’s structural integrity. Additionally, the financial burden of repairing such damage falls squarely on the homeowner’s shoulders. When faced with a home that exhibits termite damage, it is crucial to assess the situation carefully. Consulting professionals specializing in termite inspections can help determine …

what to do when your home insurance claim is denied

What To Do When Your Home Insurance Claim Is Denied Or Delayed?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Home insurance claims can be a complex and stressful process, especially if your claim is denied or delayed. There are several reasons why this might happen, and it’s important to understand why so you can take the appropriate steps to resolve the issue.  In this blog, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your home insurance claim is denied, and provide you with tips on what to do if you find yourself in that situation. Why Your Home Insurance Claim Is Denied Or Delayed? There are several reasons why your home insurance claim may have been denied or delayed. Here are a few common ones: Your Insurance Made a Mistake Sometimes, insurance companies make mistakes. It’s important to carefully review your policy’s terms to ensure that you’re covered for the damages you’re claiming. If you believe your insurance company made a mistake in denying or delaying your claim, it’s important to contact them and ask for a review. Be sure to provide any documentation or evidence that supports your claim. You Missed Your Chance to File Most home insurance policies have strict deadlines for filing a claim. If you miss this deadline, your claim may be denied. Be sure to …

when does hurricane season end

When Does Hurricane Season End?

RRBHLAWZENHurricane damage, Hurricane Preparation

The Florida hurricane season is a six-month period from June 1st to November 30th of each year. The peak of the season is mid-August through late October. During this time, there is an increased chance for tropical storms and hurricanes to form in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea and then move toward Florida. Find out when does hurricane season end and what to do after it! What Contributes To The Formation Of Hurricanes During The Season? The first is the warm ocean water temperatures. These waters need at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit for a hurricane to form.  The second ingredient is moist air. This air rises and condenses into thunderstorms which can turn into hurricanes.  Lastly, there needs to be low wind shear. This is when the upper-level winds are at different speeds or directions than the lower-level winds. If wind shear is too high, it can prevent thunderstorms from organizing into a hurricane.  During the hurricane season, it is important to be prepared. This means having a plan in place in case of evacuations, stocking up on supplies, and knowing your insurance coverage. It is also important to stay informed by following the National Hurricane Center and local news …

Personal Liability Insurance: What Is It and Why Is it So Important?

Personal Liability Insurance: What Is It and Why Is it So Important?

RRBHLAWZENblogHomeowners' Insurance

Personal liability insurance coverage is among the most important parts of any homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. If you are ever liable for damages because of property damage or personal injury, your liability insurance coverage provides protection. In this article, we examine some of the basic aspects of liability coverage, including what it is, what it does and does not cover, and some of the consequences of not having adequate coverage on your policy. Here are a few things you should know. What Is Personal Liability Insurance? Personal liability coverage is included in homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies to protect the owner of the policy. Without this coverage, their personal assets could be at risk if they are ever sued. This type of coverage also pays for the cost of defending against any lawsuit brought against the liable party. Personal liability insurance covers a few different types of damages: bodily injury and property damage. Bodily injury covers medical expenses when someone is injured on your property. Examples include the following: Hospital costs Ambulance costs Medical and surgical procedures X-ray services Dental costs Funeral costs The policy covers costs when a lawsuit is brought against the policy owner due to the …

storm damage

Assignment of Benefits Reform: Why Homeowners Are in Trouble

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Insurance Litigation, Property Insurance

The new assignment of benefits, or AOB, reform could seriously restrict homeowners, their options, and, more importantly, their out-of-pocket costs for property repairs. Hurricane season in Florida. It’s the only thing anyone thinks of when they think of disasters that can occur in The Sunshine State. Many of our friends up north assume our homeowner’s insurance policies are through the roof due to the chance of our homes being picked up and taken away like The Wizard of Oz. For some they are, though not for reasons as severe as the iconic movie depicts. It is true. Hurricanes do decimate many of our beloved cities and cause levels of preparedness not seen in other parts of the country. But there are additional methods of property destruction that frequently occur as well. Cast iron pipe corrosion causing pipe bursts King tides flooding our properties Wind damage to windows, roofs, and pool enclosures In recent years, we have all seen the onslaught of contractors banging on doors and ringing phones to try to win the repair jobs. And while there’s nothing wrong with contractors getting work done—and getting it done quickly—insurance companies are not happy. What is an assignment of benefit, or …

Birds eye view of neighborhood property insurance attorney

How Do I Know If I Need A Property Insurance Attorney? 3 Things to Know Before Settling

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Insurance Litigation

Deciding whether to hire a property insurance attorney for your home insurance claim can seem like a tricky choice. In reality, though, it’s quite simple. Here in the Miami area, we see first-hand some of the worst home damage that this country has seen. From hurricanes to sinkholes, it seems that Mother Nature always has something up her sleeve. As an insurance litigation attorney, I deal with the fallout from these and other scenarios, and let me tell you—you do not want to go up against the big insurance companies alone. Even small regional insurance companies have the legal know-how to take you for a ride. Still don’t think you need a property insurance attorney? Here are three things to know before settling: If Your Home Insurance Provider Denies Your Claim Insurance companies are in the business of making money, so anytime they see an opportunity to not pay on a claim—perhaps by reinterpreting the legal language of your contract—they’re going to take it. When this happens, do not give up. Hiring a qualified insurance attorney to pursue your case will give you the opportunity to get the money that they owe you. If Your Home Insurance Settlement Is too …

A young businesswoman protects a house from the elements - rain or storm and sun. Blackboard drawing top view.

Does Your Insurance Policy Cover Your Roof? It Depends…

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Insurance Litigation

Here in Miami, we all probably know someone who has had to deal with the insurance companies over storm damage to their home. As we recently saw on Wednesday, August 2, even a relatively small weather system like Tropical Storm Emily (technically downgraded to a tropical depression at that point) can cause major damage. As the forecast is showing, we’re not done with hurricane season quite yet.  Not even close, since forecasters are expecting an very active season as the waters warm up. Not surprisingly, one of the questions I get asked most often as an attorney whose cases often revolve around storm damage is “does my insurance cover damage that my roof sustains during a storm?” In fact, because the roof is susceptible to damage from high winds, hail, lightning strikes, and falling debris, one of my primary jobs as an attorney who handles insurance litigation is to get the insurance companies to cover the costs of various types of damage. You’d be surprised by what they try to get away with (or maybe not; they’re insurance companies, after all). While I’d like to be able to tell every single person who has asked me this question, “yes, your …

Damaged house from tree collapse due to storm

My Insurance Company Won’t Pay…Now What? How to Prepare for a Claim Denial

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Insurance Litigation

With the stormy season upon us here in Miami, the likelihood that you will need to file an insurance claim for damage caused by a hurricane or thunderstorm go up by the day. Insurance is supposed to give you peace of mind, and for that reason, any of your claims that get denied by the insurance company are all the more infuriating. It’s a common enough story. In the past 15 years, insurance companies have paid out more than $450 billion for damage done to property that is covered under their policies. Now that the numbers are in, those companies are trying to minimize their losses by looking for more ways to deny policyholders’ claims. Whether by finding legal loopholes or by simply rewriting policies to contain more claim exclusions, your insurance company has the advantage when it comes to winning a legal battle. What that means for policyholders is a repair bill that could lead to bankruptcy. Instead of being caught off guard when your insurance company refuses to repair your property after the next big storm, use these tips to get prepared: Document Your Property With today’s technology, it is so easy to document your property for insurance …