does Florida insurance cover hail damage

Does Florida Insurance Cover Hail Damage?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Living in Florida exposes you to various weather risks, including hurricanes and thunderstorms, which can produce hail. One of the most common questions for homeowners here is, “Does Florida insurance cover hail damage?” Given the potential havoc a hailstorm can wreak on your property, especially the exterior of your home, understanding your insurance coverage is vital.  How Long Does it Take to File a Hail Claim in Florida? Under Florida law, insurance policies are binding agreements between you and your insurance provider. In 2023, Florida encountered 23 reports of on-the-ground hail by trained spotters and has been under severe weather warnings 44 times in the past 12 months, affecting a range of properties from residential homes to commercial buildings. When filing a property damage claim, your policy serves as your roadmap, outlining the timeframe within which you must report damage to your insurer. Failing to do so within this window can result in your claim being denied. Upon reporting a claim under your homeowner’s insurance policy, the insurer must furnish you with a Homeowner’s Claims Bill of Rights within 14 days. This document outlines the timelines the insurer must adhere to during the claims process, ensuring transparency and accountability. Does …

does homeowners insurance cover foundation repair

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Foundation Repair?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Homeownership comes with its joys and challenges, and foundation damage is one of the last things any homeowner wants to deal with. It’s not only a structural concern but also a financial headache. When faced with such a predicament, many homeowners wonder: Does homeowners insurance cover foundation repair? Let’s dive into the details to find out. Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Foundation Repair? The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. Whether your homeowner’s insurance covers foundation repair depends on various factors. If the cause of the foundation damage is listed as a covered peril under your policy, your insurer should foot the bill for repairs up to your coverage limits. However, deductibles may apply. It’s crucial to note that foundation damage resulting from normal wear and tear or lack of maintenance over time is typically excluded from coverage. Foundation damage and repair typically fall under the dwelling coverage portion of your insurance policy because it concerns the structure of your home. When is Foundation Damage Covered? Typically, homeowners insurance policies provide coverage for foundation damage categorized as “sudden and accidental” and caused by specific covered perils. These perils often encompass: Damage resulting from falling trees or other objects Incidents of …

florida home insurance

4 Florida Home Insurance New Year’s Resolutions

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome the promising horizon of 2024, it’s an opportune time to reflect on our accomplishments and set resolutions for the year ahead. While health, career, and personal growth often dominate New Year’s resolutions, it’s equally essential to consider the security and protection of our homes. In the Sunshine State, where the unpredictable nature of weather can pose challenges, ensuring your home insurance is up to date is a proactive step towards safeguarding your investment. In this blog post, we present four Florida Home Insurance New Year’s Resolutions for 2024. 4 Florida Home Insurance New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 Update Your Home Inventory In the aftermath of a storm, burglary, or any unforeseen disaster, a comprehensive home inventory becomes your ally. It not only streamlines the claims process but also ensures a fair and prompt settlement with your insurance provider. Creating a home inventory may seem daunting, but the sooner you get started, the sooner you can protect yourself in the event of a disaster. For those who already have a home inventory, allocate some time in January or February to update it. Include details of significant purchases made throughout the past year, paying …

florida home insurance crisis

What Caused the Florida Home Insurance Crisis?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage

The picturesque beaches, vibrant cities, and sunny climate make Florida an appealing place to call home. However, beneath the surface of this paradise, a storm is brewing – a storm not of nature’s making, but one born out of a complex interplay of factors. The Florida Home Insurance Crisis has become a topic of concern, with homeowners grappling with skyrocketing premiums and insurance companies facing unprecedented challenges.  In this blog post, we delve into the suggested causes of this crisis, ranging from the impacts of climate change to the controversial role of frivolous lawsuits and the issue of improperly denied or underpaid claims. Suggested Causes of the Florida Home Insurance Crisis Climate Change The undeniable influence of climate change has cast a long shadow over the insurance landscape in Florida. While the state’s insurance issues extend beyond floods and storms, the intensification of these natural disasters exacerbates an already challenging situation. Sea levels have risen, rendering coastal flooding more frequent and severe. The ominous specter of rain bombs, like the one that crippled Fort Lauderdale, looms larger with the increasing prevalence of extreme rainfall. Moreover, the nexus between climate change, extreme heat, and drought conditions amplifies the likelihood of more …

hurricane idalia

Filing Hurricane Idalia Insurance Claim? What to Know

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage

Hurricane Idalia struck Florida with devastating force, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The aftermath of this natural disaster has prompted thousands of residents to file insurance claims for their damaged properties and belongings. As of now, estimated insured losses have surged to a staggering $230 million, according to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.  In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential steps and considerations for filing a Hurricane Idalia insurance claim, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve. What to Know About Filing a Hurricane Idalia Insurance Claim The aftermath of Hurricane Idalia has underscored the critical role that insurance plays in helping individuals and businesses rebuild their lives. However, the process of filing a hurricane insurance claim can be complex and challenging. Here’s what you need to know to navigate this process effectively: Report Your Claim ASAP The first and most crucial step is to report your insurance claim immediately. Depending on the nature of the damage to your property, your claim may be covered by wind insurance, flood insurance, or both. It’s essential to understand your policy coverage and ensure you report all relevant damages promptly. Homeowner’s insurance policies typically …

flood insurance in florida

3 Things Homeowners Should Know About Flood Insurance in Florida

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

When it comes to securing your home against the unpredictable forces of nature, few places in the United States face the same level of risk as the Sunshine State. Indeed, the need for comprehensive flood insurance in Florida cannot be overstated. Owning a home in this beautiful state means embracing its unique challenges, and foremost among them is the constant threat of flooding. Florida is no stranger to heavy rains, hurricanes, and storm surges that can cause extensive damage to homes.  In this blog, we will delve into three crucial things that homeowners in Florida should know about flood insurance. From the lack of seller disclosure requirements to the types of flood insurance available and the limitations of federal aid, understanding these key aspects can help you protect your investment and peace of mind. 3 Things to Know About Flood Insurance in Florida Sellers Aren’t Required to Disclose Flood Risk While Florida is notorious for its susceptibility to flooding, it’s surprising that state law does not mandate sellers to disclose flood risk or a property’s flood history to potential buyers. This lack of obligation places a significant responsibility on the shoulders of prospective homeowners. During your property inspection or walkthrough, …

why are home insurance companies leaving florida

Why Are Home Insurance Companies Leaving Florida?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Florida, known as the Sunshine State, is facing a pressing question: Why are home insurance companies leaving Florida? The state is already experiencing significant impacts from climate change, with floods and hurricanes causing extensive damage to homeowners. The aftermath of these natural disasters has profoundly affected Florida’s property insurance market, resulting in a surge of insolvencies and an alarming increase in claims payouts. As a consequence, home insurance companies are abandoning the state, leaving homeowners in a precarious position with skyrocketing premiums and limited coverage options.  In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind this exodus and shed light on the potential solutions to the home insurance crisis in Florida. Why Are Home Insurance Companies Leaving Florida? The escalating climate crisis has been instrumental in driving home insurance companies away from Florida. The state witnessed the devastating impact of Hurricane Ian, which alone caused a staggering $65 billion in property damage. In 2022, property insurers had to pay over $100 billion in claims, a 50% increase from the average annual payouts of the previous decade. Consequently, fifteen property insurers faced insolvency in 2020, leaving a struggling market for the remaining companies. One of the primary drivers of this crisis …

should you buy a home with termite damage

Should You Buy a Home with Termite Damage or Plumbing Problems?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Should you buy a home with termite damage or plumbing problems? It’s a question that can give any homebuyer pause, especially after an exhaustive search for the perfect property. Imagine finally finding the house of your dreams, only to discover that it has been plagued by termites or has plumbing issues. It can leave you feeling uncertain and unsure of the right course of action.  In this blog post, we will delve into the considerations of buying a home with termite damage or plumbing problems, arming you with the knowledge needed to make a confident and informed decision. Should You Buy A Home With Termite Damage? Termite damage is a serious concern that can have far-reaching consequences for a property. While the visible damage may provide some insight, it often fails to reveal the full extent of the infestation. Termites are sneaky creatures, causing damage in hidden areas that go unnoticed, which can be perilous for the home’s structural integrity. Additionally, the financial burden of repairing such damage falls squarely on the homeowner’s shoulders. When faced with a home that exhibits termite damage, it is crucial to assess the situation carefully. Consulting professionals specializing in termite inspections can help determine …

florida hurricane damage

Florida Hurricane Damage: Prepare for These 4 Common Types

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage

When it comes to the state of Florida, the picturesque landscapes and sunny beaches often take center stage. However, amidst its natural beauty, Florida is also known for facing the wrath of hurricanes. These powerful storms can leave a trail of destruction in their wake, causing significant Florida hurricane damage to homes, infrastructure, and communities.  In this article, we will delve into the four most common types of hurricane damage that Floridians should be prepared for: wind damage, flooding, storm surge, and tornado damage. 4 Types of Florida Hurricane Damage to Protect Against Wind Damage Florida is no stranger to windy days, especially during the summer months when a cool breeze provides respite from the heat. However, when a hurricane strikes, the wind intensity reaches an entirely different level. These powerful hurricane winds can uproot trees and transform everyday objects into dangerous projectiles. Protecting against wind damage involves securing loose items, such as patio furniture or garden equipment, trimming trees, and installing impact-resistant windows and doors to protect your home. Taking these precautions can significantly reduce the risk of wind-related destruction to your property. Flooding One of the most significant threats accompanying hurricanes is flooding. Prolonged rainfall during these storms …

where did hurricane ian do the most damage,

Hurricane Ian Damage: Where Was It Worst and How Much Did It Cost?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage

When Hurricane Ian made landfall last September, its destructive force left a trail of devastation in its wake. After communities endured the impact of this powerful storm, the question on everyone’s mind was, “Where did Hurricane Ian do the most damage?” In this blog post, we will delve into the regions hardest hit by Hurricane Ian, examining the consequences of its landfall and the extent of the damage caused. From shattered structures to the upheaval of lives, the aftermath of Hurricane Ian serves as a stark reminder of the immense power nature can unleash. What Areas Were Damaged By Ian When It Hit Florida? As Hurricane Ian descended upon Florida’s shores, it brought a ferocity that wreaked havoc on the southwest coast. The cities of Sanibel, Cape Coral, and Fort Myers were at the epicenter of the storm’s wrath, bearing the brunt of its catastrophic force. Lee County, encompassing Cape Coral and Fort Myers, suffered immense devastation as floodwaters submerged the area. In the face of such destruction, the Coast Guard heroically conducted rescue operations to save those stranded on rooftops. During a press conference, Governor Ron DeSantis described the situation as “inundated and devastated,” a grim testament to the …

how many homes were destroyed by hurricane ian

How Many Homes Were Destroyed by Hurricane Ian in Florida?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage

In September of last year, Hurricane Ian wreaked havoc on the southern United States, causing significant damage and loss of life. The storm was one of the costliest in US history, and it had a particularly devastating impact on Florida. In this blog, we will answer the question of how many homes were destroyed by Hurricane Ian in Florida and explore resources available for homeowners affected by the storm. What Category was Hurricane Ian? Last September, Hurricane Ian made landfall in southwest Florida as a powerful storm, wreaking havoc and causing over $112 billion in damage in the United States. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Ian briefly reached maximum Category 5 status with winds estimated at 161 mph (259 kph) on September 28, making it one of the most powerful tropical cyclones on record. However, after passing by the Dry Tortugas islands, Ian weakened to a Category 4 storm, with winds of 150 mph (241 kph), before hitting Florida later that day. Although it was downgraded to Category 4, Ian’s impact was still incredibly devastating. It caused over 150 deaths directly or indirectly and was declared the costliest hurricane in Florida’s history and the third-costliest hurricane …

how to make a successful water leak insurance claim

How to Make a Successful Water Leak Insurance Claim

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

When it comes to unexpected home repairs, a water leak can be one of the most destructive and costly issues to deal with. But did you know that your homeowners insurance may cover some or all of the damage caused by a water leak? The key to receiving the coverage you are entitled to is knowing how to make a successful water leak insurance claim.  In this blog, we have provided 10 tips to help you make a successful water leak insurance claim. From determining the source of the leak, to documenting the damage and hiring a professional to fix the mess, these tips will guide you through the process and increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement from your insurance company. How to Make a Successful Water Leak Insurance Claim The key to receiving the coverage you are entitled to is knowing how to make a successful water leak insurance claim. Making a water leak insurance claim can be complex, but following these steps and tips can increase your chances of a successful claim. 10 Water Damage Insurance Claim Tips Determine the Source of Water and Stop the Flow: The first step in making a successful water leak …

what to do when your home insurance claim is denied

What To Do When Your Home Insurance Claim Is Denied Or Delayed?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

Home insurance claims can be a complex and stressful process, especially if your claim is denied or delayed. There are several reasons why this might happen, and it’s important to understand why so you can take the appropriate steps to resolve the issue.  In this blog, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your home insurance claim is denied, and provide you with tips on what to do if you find yourself in that situation. Why Your Home Insurance Claim Is Denied Or Delayed? There are several reasons why your home insurance claim may have been denied or delayed. Here are a few common ones: Your Insurance Made a Mistake Sometimes, insurance companies make mistakes. It’s important to carefully review your policy’s terms to ensure that you’re covered for the damages you’re claiming. If you believe your insurance company made a mistake in denying or delaying your claim, it’s important to contact them and ask for a review. Be sure to provide any documentation or evidence that supports your claim. You Missed Your Chance to File Most home insurance policies have strict deadlines for filing a claim. If you miss this deadline, your claim may be denied. Be sure to …

why insurance companies will underpay hurricane Ian victims

Why Insurance Companies Will Underpay Hurricane Ian Victims

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage, Insurance Litigation

Why will insurance companies underpay hurricane Ian victims? With Hurricane Ian ripping through Florida, there are huge consequences for real estate. One week after Hurricane Ian struck, tens of thousands of Floridians have property damage and are turning to their insurance companies hoping they’ll pay up.  Hurricane Ian has left a trail of destruction in its wake after it made its way across Florida. In the aftermath, there’s been a lot of talk about how insurance companies are unfair to hurricane victims. We’ll explore what’s going on and why this is happening in this article! What is Hurricane Insurance? Hurricane insurance is a type of insurance that protects homeowners and businesses from damages caused by hurricanes. FEMA will only cover damage to the first 3 feet of your property if you have a total loss due to Hurricane Ian. After that, you’ll need to seek coverage from your hurricane insurance.  What is Concurrent Causation? Concurrent causation is a mechanism used in insurance claims to handle losses that arise from more than one cause. For instance, Hurricane Ian caused both wind damage and storm surge. Depending on the circumstances and the policy, damages from both causes may be covered even if …

property damage

What Types Of Property Damage Should Floridians Know About?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Property Insurance

Have you ever wondered what types of property damage should Floridians know about? You may have considered hurricane or tornado damage, but did you know there are other ways your home could be damaged? Read on to learn about some of the most common property damages and how to prepare for them.  What Types of Property Damage Are Most Likely in Florida? In Florida, property damage can include anything from broken windows to structural damage. Knowing what to look for in a property damage claim can help you get the compensation you deserve. Here are some common types of property damage in Florida:  Wind and Hail Damage Florida’s weather is hazardous and accounts for a large number of insurance claims. Hail and wind damage are the most frequent types of weather-related insurance claims. The leading causes of wind and hail damage to property in Florida are windstorms, hailstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. To cover wind and hail damage, one may occasionally need to acquire a different policy, so be sure you know what your current policy covers. Water and Freezing Damage Florida homeowners may sometimes incur water damage from rain, flooding, plumbing defects, or melting ice – as well as from …

does renters insurance cover water damage

Does Renters Insurance Cover Water Damage?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Property Insurance

If you’ve ever been without renters insurance and then experienced a flood, hurricane, or other natural disasters, you know that it can be a hassle to find out if your insurance will cover the cost of the damages. With so many multiple companies selling plans and so many other things, it might be difficult to keep track of the considerations that impact what is included in an insurance contract. This article answers the most common question: does renters insurance cover water damage?  Does Renters Insurance Cover Water Damage? Renters insurance covers water damage in many scenarios but does not protect you in every situation. For example, incidents like a clogged toilet or a burst pipe are likely to be covered. However, most renter’s insurance policies do not cover damage caused by backed-up sewage or flooding or if the damage was caused by negligence (acting irrationally or recklessly). Furthermore, renters insurance only protects your personal property. Your landlord is responsible for the building’s regular maintenance, but renters insurance can help you protect your possessions. This means you don’t have to replace things like pipes if your plumbing fails; however, you may require insurance to replace damaged personal items. Water Damage From …

does home insurance cover cast iron pipes

Does Home Insurance Cover Cast Iron Pipes?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance

One of the most common questions we receive from homeowners is: does home insurance cover cast iron pipes? Some things seem obvious to the point that it’s hard to believe many people don’t think about them.   This is the case when it comes to insurance. While we all know your homeowners’ policy covers you if someone accidentally breaks your window, many homeowners probably don’t know if their home insurance will cover leaking pipes from broken cast iron pipes! Use this article to decide where other types of coverage might be necessary for your home and get yourself insured before tragedy strikes! What Are Cast Iron Pipes? Cast iron pipes are made of metal that is treated with a silicone or varnish coating. They are used for water, gas, and oil pipelines, and their outside surface is generally smooth. The inside of cast iron pipes is also coated so that the metal does not rust. They have several disadvantages over other materials for pipelines. They are heavy, expensive to repair if they break, and take a long time to heat up to their operating temperature. Does Home Insurance Cover Cast Iron Pipes? Here are some things to remember when researching whether …

condominium insurance dispute

Condominium Insurance Dispute? Don’t Do It Alone

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Property Insurance

Condominium insurance disputes are sometimes complicated because of the fact that condominiums are in a community. Areas such as the stairs/elevator, administrative office, and parking lot are common to all condo owners. This is why condo owners are sometimes confused when it comes to insurance claims.  At RRBH Law, we understand the rights of individual condo owners and the rights of homeowner’s associations. We believe that understanding and recognizing the rights of each is vital to achieving positive results for our clients in the event of a condo property damage accident. Making a Condominium Insurance Claim for Losses The way condo owners handle a loss is slightly different than the situation faced by people who own single-family homes. Condo owners have their own unique set of rules governing their insurance. The homeowner’s policy a condo owner owns only covers some property damage, others may be covered by the building owner or HOA. The following are the most common condominium insurance claims that both an individual owner and the HOA may raise: Damage caused by molds Damage caused by fire (smoke damage included) Damage caused by wind (including other damages that can necessitate windows and roofs to be repaired) Damage caused …