Deciding whether to hire a property insurance attorney for your home insurance claim can seem like a tricky choice. In reality, though, it’s quite simple. Here in the Miami area, we see first-hand some of the worst home damage that this country has seen. From hurricanes to sinkholes, it seems that Mother Nature always has something up her sleeve. As an insurance litigation attorney, I deal with the fallout from these and other scenarios, and let me tell you—you do not want to go up against the big insurance companies alone. Even small regional insurance companies have the legal know-how to take you for a ride. Still don’t think you need a property insurance attorney? Here are three things to know before settling: If Your Home Insurance Provider Denies Your Claim Insurance companies are in the business of making money, so anytime they see an opportunity to not pay on a claim—perhaps by reinterpreting the legal language of your contract—they’re going to take it. When this happens, do not give up. Hiring a qualified insurance attorney to pursue your case will give you the opportunity to get the money that they owe you. If Your Home Insurance Settlement Is too …
Hurricane Preparation: What Did Hurricane Harvey Teach Florida About Planning Ahead?
The scene that many Texans witnessed may seem, at first, to point to the futility of hurricane preparation. The widespread destruction showed, if nothing else, that even those who took every precaution were subject to loss and injury. Homes destroyed. City streets filled with cars submerged. “If this is what happens, is storm preparation even necessary?” you might ask yourself. In the news, we hear more about the negative than the positive. Negativity is just better at attracting readers and viewers. But for every story of misfortune, there is also one of hope. Many of the positive stories to come out of Harvey’s aftermath are of brave men and women who prepared for the storm and risked their lives to help others. These stories demonstrate the importance of being prepared for the next storm. As Floridians, we know about the importance of hurricane preparation. We live it. But we still need a reminder, now and then, of the raw, unforgiving power that nature possesses. The devastation that Hurricane Harvey brought to Houston, Texas and the surrounding areas should be a lesson to us all. Stay safe, and prepare for the next hurricane with these guidelines: Basic Hurricane Preparation Know whether …
Does Your Insurance Policy Cover Your Roof? It Depends…
Here in Miami, we all probably know someone who has had to deal with the insurance companies over storm damage to their home. As we recently saw on Wednesday, August 2, even a relatively small weather system like Tropical Storm Emily (technically downgraded to a tropical depression at that point) can cause major damage. As the forecast is showing, we’re not done with hurricane season quite yet. Not even close, since forecasters are expecting an very active season as the waters warm up. Not surprisingly, one of the questions I get asked most often as an attorney whose cases often revolve around storm damage is “does my insurance cover damage that my roof sustains during a storm?” In fact, because the roof is susceptible to damage from high winds, hail, lightning strikes, and falling debris, one of my primary jobs as an attorney who handles insurance litigation is to get the insurance companies to cover the costs of various types of damage. You’d be surprised by what they try to get away with (or maybe not; they’re insurance companies, after all). While I’d like to be able to tell every single person who has asked me this question, “yes, your …
My Insurance Company Won’t Pay…Now What? How to Prepare for a Claim Denial
With the stormy season upon us here in Miami, the likelihood that you will need to file an insurance claim for damage caused by a hurricane or thunderstorm go up by the day. Insurance is supposed to give you peace of mind, and for that reason, any of your claims that get denied by the insurance company are all the more infuriating. It’s a common enough story. In the past 15 years, insurance companies have paid out more than $450 billion for damage done to property that is covered under their policies. Now that the numbers are in, those companies are trying to minimize their losses by looking for more ways to deny policyholders’ claims. Whether by finding legal loopholes or by simply rewriting policies to contain more claim exclusions, your insurance company has the advantage when it comes to winning a legal battle. What that means for policyholders is a repair bill that could lead to bankruptcy. Instead of being caught off guard when your insurance company refuses to repair your property after the next big storm, use these tips to get prepared: Document Your Property With today’s technology, it is so easy to document your property for insurance …
Are You Prepared for the Worst? 4 Common (Yet Crucial) Homeowners Insurance Policy Coverages
Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or you’re just shopping around, buying a new homeowners’ insurance policy can be confusing. Because not all policies are created equal, the choice you make could end up helping or hurting you in the event of an accident or disaster. However, with a little bit of knowledge about what common things most policies cover, you can make the choice that is right for you and your situation. Ready to get covered? Here are four things that most homeowners’ insurance policies will cover: Structure of the Home Coverage for the structure of your home is what most people think of when homeowners’ insurance comes up. That’s because it is the most important part of any policy. To figure out how much coverage you need for the structure of your home, you need to estimate the value of your home—not just the mortgage amount, but the current value (it may have appreciated since you bought it), and perhaps even the cost of rebuilding your home if the worst should happen. In Miami, we know all too well the damage that catastrophic storms can cause to our homes. Unfortunately, when storms like Hurricane Matthew come to town, …