storm surge - the most dangerous part of a hurricane

The Most Dangerous Part of a Hurricane Can Leave Your Home in Ruin

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage, Insurance Litigation

Though high winds can cause significant damage to your home, they are not the most dangerous part of a hurricane. Learn about the dangers of storm surge and how to protect your property.

During a hurricane, storm surge is the most dangerous threat to life and property. About half of lives lost during hurricanes are due to storm surge, and billions of dollars in property damage is possible from a single storm.

To help you understand the risk of storm surge as we make our way into hurricane season, here are some facts about this hazard and what you can do to protect yourself.

The Most Dangerous Part of a Hurricane: What Is Storm Surge?

Storm surge refers to the abnormal rising water levels near the coast caused by high hurricane winds. Water is displaced onto coastal land, causing flooding in low-lying areas. When combined with rough ocean waves, storm surge can not only cause water damage and mold infestation to at-risk homes but also structural damage. During especially destructive storms, these factors can make your home uninhabitable.

Steps to Take to Protect Your Home

If your home is located in an at-risk area, it is critical to be ready to evacuate and to prepare your property well in advance. Taking these steps could cover you in the event you experience the most dangerous part of a hurricane, storm surge, in your area.

Purchase Flood Insurance

If you do not have a flood insurance policy for your home, you should get one now. Homeowners insurance and hurricane insurance do not usually cover water damage caused by flooding. Be advised: there is usually a 30-day waiting period before your policy coverage takes effect.

Seal All Windows and Doors

Sealing your home’s windows and doors can prevent water from seeping in if flooding is not severe. You should also upgrade your windows and doors with models that can withstand hurricane-force winds.

Don’t Wait to Buy Sand Bags

Sand bags piled on top of one another can divert water away from your home. Many Florida residents wait until it is too late to stock up on this simple yet effective method. You should buy enough to form a two-foot wall in front of your home to keep the water at bay. Start buying your supply now so you can have it ready for the next storm.

Search for and Repair Cracks in Your Home’s Foundation

Cracks in your home’s foundation can allow water to enter the lower levels of your home. Before we get too far into hurricane season, it is important to inspect your foundation and repair any cracks that you see.

Worst Part Of A Hurricane: What You Need To Know About Hurricane Quadrants

Have you ever experienced the worst part of a hurricane? The wind and rain, the storm surge, or high waves pounding on the shore? If you answered yes, you know what it’s like to feel one of the worst hurricane quadrants – that flooded section of the beach and areas near a break in the fence where people get trapped by water. 

What is the Worst Part of a Hurricane?

A storm surge is the most dangerous threat to life and property during a hurricane. Half of the lives lost during hurricanes are due to storm surges, and billions of dollars worth of property damage are possible from a single storm. Yet, despite their destructive power, many people are surprised by the worst part of a hurricane. Here are the four most dangerous things that may accompany a hurricane:

  • Tornadoes

Tornadoes are one of the most unpredictable and deadly features of a storm, and they have the potential to wreak significant havoc. 

  • Flash flooding

Hurricanes frequently generate massive floods in towns and cities, resulting in severe injuries and even death.

  • Power outages

You may endure power disruptions even if you don’t live in a hurricane-prone area. Because there is no method to contact emergency services, this might lead to dangerous situations. 

  • Changes in the weather

Hurricane season is known for abrupt weather changes (and not the pleasant kind). So keep an eye out for unexpected environmental changes for your safety.

Hurricane Quadrants: What They Are, Why You Should Care?

No matter where you are, hurricanes can be dangerous, whether a higher category storm system or not. The different quadrants of a storm also tell their individual stories about the damage they cause.

Quadrant 1: The top right

The fastest winds, the heaviest torrential rains, and the tropical storm surges lie in the first hurricane quadrant. Unfortunately, this is where the most severe damage and fatalities typically occur.

Quadrant 2: The top left

The second quadrant, located on the left-hand side of the map, is the most dangerous area for storm surges.  If you live in a coastal area, this will be the place of undesirable effects. The most important thing to remember is to have an emergency plan and stay tuned to local weather forecasts.

Quadrant 3: The bottom left

It is important to remember that while Quadrant 3 is technically the least threatening location of a hurricane, this by no means says that you should not take precautions. If you live in an area with a low risk of hurricanes and you have received a notice from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) that a hurricane is headed your way, it is advised that you prepare for an evacuation order. 

Quadrant 4: The bottom right

The bottom right quadrant of the storm is where the winds will be the strongest. Unfortunately, this is also where the eye wall will be, which is the point where wind speeds and pressure are highest. As a result, the victims in this area will experience the most intense winds on the storm’s roads, bridges, and power grids. This damage will likely take a long time to repair.

Insurance settlement not enough to cover repairs? Talk to a property insurance attorney with winning experience.

If flood waters damage your home and your insurance denies or underpays your claim, we are here to help. Get in touch with RRBH Law today. We are experienced in insurance litigation and deliver results for our clients.