Preventing Hurricane Injuries Is Possible When You Have the Facts

Preventing Hurricane Injuries Is Possible When You Have the Facts

RRBHLAWZENHurricane damage, Personal Injury Lawyer Florida

During a hurricane, injuries can happen to anyone—but if you are ill-prepared, you carry a bigger risk. This article discusses how you can prevent hurricane injuries during the next storm.

It is not a matter of if but a matter of when the next big hurricane will hit South Florida. Here in Miami, we like to think that we are always prepared, but are we really? After all, anything can happen during a storm, and it can happen to anyone.

You might think that it’s not possible to prevent an accident from happening—to an extent that is true. But you can drastically reduce your chances of getting hurt by taking a few simple actions before and during a hurricane.

How to Prevent Hurricane Injuries during the Next Storm

Put a Plan in Place

Every family needs to have a plan in place before another hurricane hits. From planning your evacuation route to stocking up on essential supplies in case you need to shelter in place, preparing for several eventualities may help you avoid becoming frantic. When you are calm and know what to do in a stressful situation, you are less likely to hurt yourself.

Power Down

If you are not required to evacuate from your home during a storm, you should know when it is time to turn off the power. Flooding is its own challenge, but when your home floods, the odds of getting electrocuted drastically go up. Invest in some quality battery-powered lanterns and flashlights as well as a generator so you can turn off your main breaker when you need to.

Stay Inside

Whether you are sheltering in place or evacuating, it is critical to remain inside during a hurricane. Injuries from wind-blown projectiles are some of the most common. Do not attempt to drive anywhere during a storm. Many people who are not prepared for a storm go out to buy supplies at the last minute, making for bad traffic and a higher risk of a car accident.

Listen to the Experts

You are less likely to get hurt if you are not in the direct path of a storm. If the emergency managers tell you to evacuate, you need to do so as quickly as possible. Do not wait until the last minute to decide whether to leave your home. You may be putting yourself and your family at risk of being trapped in an unsafe area. Stay aware of what the experts are saying so you can make an informed decision.

Your Hurricane Injuries May Deserve Compensation

Hurricane season is picking up as the storms become more severe. We are all at risk of hurricane injuries, but negligence may increase that risk. If you are injured as a result of someone else’s actions or lack thereof, get in touch with the attorneys at RRBH Law today.

We are experts in personal injury. Contact us today.