roof tiles before roof insurance claim process

How Does the Roof Insurance Claim Process Work? 5 Things to Know When Filing

RRBHLAWZENblogHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage, Insurance Litigation

As most Floridians know by now, the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season is going to be a busy one. Hurricane Isaias, though only a Category 1 hurricane, caused widespread damage to homes across the east coast. One of the most common types of damage that can happen to a home during a hurricane is roof damage, which begs the question for homeowners: How does the roof insurance claim process work? When you file a claim, these five things are good to know. Making a Claim with Your Insurance After a storm damages your roof, the first thing you probably think you need to do is contact your insurance. While you do not want to procrastinate when filing a claim, it is in your best interest to consult with a property insurance attorney to make sure you are protected. Many insurance companies, to avoid losing revenue, will deny or underpay claims, sometimes in bad faith. When you have an attorney from the start of the process, you can ensure that they will take your claim seriously. Make Temporary Repairs Repairs take time, but you cannot wait to protect your home from suffering more damage from the elements. Be sure to document the …

Florida Hurricane Season 2020 Is Going to Be Busy, Possibly Destructive According to Experts

RRBHLAWZENHurricane damage

Every year, Florida residents must prepare their homes and families for the possibility of a hurricane making landfall in their area. According to weather and climate experts, Florida hurricane season 2020, which is expected to see more activity than previous years, might require more planning. Many of our clients come to us because they need help getting what they are owed from the insurance company after a major storm. Even after taking the proper precautions for securing and protecting their homes, many people still experience significant losses from hurricanes. When the insurance company refuses to pay policyholders for covered damage, negotiation and litigation are often necessary. Here is what you should know about this year’s hurricane season so that you can make adjustments to your insurance policy and get your home ready. The NOAA Predicted a Busy Hurricane Season On May 21, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published a news article titled, “Busy Atlantic Hurricane Season Predicted for 2020.” As the title suggests, the article details the scientific agency’s forecast for the frequency of major storms this year. According to the NOAA, 2020 is going to be very busy: NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center is forecasting a likely range …

insurance litigation attorney

Hurricane Preparation Tips

RRBHLAWZENHurricane damage, Property Insurance

Hurricane season is upon us so keep these tips on hand to make sure you’re prepared. General Hurricane Preparation Tips: Fill Ziploc-type plastic bags ¾ full of water and stuff them in every corner of your freezer. You want them to freeze while you have electricity. It might take a couple of days for them to freeze. Nothing is lost if you don’t get the storm. Fill up with gas Get cash Fill your prescriptions Wash your clothes and dishes Take photos of every room and the outside of your house. Upload them to the cloud, or email them to yourself in Gmail, Hotmail, etc. Also take photographs of important papers, ID cards, the information in your wallet and contact information. Upload or email those photos as well. Get a rabbit-ears type TV antenna so you can watch TV if the cable goes out. Try it out now. The antennas are cheap, and the TV is free. Gather up toys and games and put them in one place. In case you have to leave home, you will want them to keep the kids entertained. Know if you are in an evacuation zone. Contact your county emergency management office online or …

hurricane irma claim nearing an end

Hurricane Irma Claim: The Window to File Is Closing

RRBHLAWZENBusiness Interruption, Homeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage, Insurance Litigation

Hurricane Irma resulted in over 838,000 residential property insurance claims. And although the storm that devastated the entire state of Florida occurred in September of 2017, it is still possible to file a claim. Damage from the hurricane has totaled nearly $50 billion. And some Florida homeowners still have not had their Hurricane Irma claims settled—roughly 7 percent, to be exact.   According to this Florida statute, affected parties must file a claim with their insurance company within 3 years of the date the hurricane made landfall. Hurricane Irma made landfall in Florida on September 10, 2017, which gives policyholders until September 9, 2020 to file.   Don’t let the fear of a denial stop you from submitting a Hurricane Irma claim It’s common for homeowners to feel as though their claim will be denied. Horror stories of dealing with insurance companies are always talking points for aggravated policyholders. And with exposure via social media to an even broader group of angry individuals whose claims have gone denied, the stigma grows even greater. Fear of a denial holds many policyholders back from filing in the first place. This is especially true during hurricane season, when deductibles are higher. As the holder …

Flooded neighborhood

Hurricane Preparation: What Did Hurricane Harvey Teach Florida About Planning Ahead?

RRBHLAWZENHomeowners' Insurance, Hurricane damage, Insurance Litigation

The scene that many Texans witnessed may seem, at first, to point to the futility of hurricane preparation. The widespread destruction showed, if nothing else, that even those who took every precaution were subject to loss and injury. Homes destroyed. City streets filled with cars submerged. “If this is what happens, is storm preparation even necessary?” you might ask yourself. In the news, we hear more about the negative than the positive. Negativity is just better at attracting readers and viewers. But for every story of misfortune, there is also one of hope. Many of the positive stories to come out of Harvey’s aftermath are of brave men and women who prepared for the storm and risked their lives to help others. These stories demonstrate the importance of being prepared for the next storm. As Floridians, we know about the importance of hurricane preparation. We live it. But we still need a reminder, now and then, of the raw, unforgiving power that nature possesses. The devastation that Hurricane Harvey brought to Houston, Texas and the surrounding areas should be a lesson to us all. Stay safe, and prepare for the next hurricane with these guidelines: Basic Hurricane Preparation Know whether …