When you are hurt following an automobile accident, a slip and fall accident, or when you encounter a defective product, it’s critical to know how to proceed with a personal injury case. If you’re located in the Sunshine State, you’ll want to contact a Florida personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so that you can start working on getting the compensation you need to cover medical expenses and pain and suffering. To help you from making mistakes during the time leading up to your day in court (or your day at the negotiating table, if you are able to avoid litigation), we’ve compiled our top eight tips for those who want to pursue their personal injury case.
1) Seek Medical Attention Immediately
When you are hurt, and it’s someone else’s fault, you have a responsibility to get treatment for your injuries. Seeking medical attention quickly can help to ensure that you “mitigate your losses,” a legal term that means you’ve taken the proper steps to treat your injury so that it does not worsen and cause more damage and cost more to treat in the future. Even if you don’t think that your injuries are serious, you should seek the advice of a medical professional as soon as possible. You never know how severe an injury is until you get checked out by a doctor.
2) Stay Conscious of What You Say at the Scene
Be careful of what you say after the accident occurs. You can exchange information with the other party, but you have no obligation to give them anything other than your insurance information. Don’t say anything that could complicate your case.
3) File a Police Report
Having a police report on record is essential if your case goes to court. The document itself will preserve all the important facts from the case.
4) Proceed with Caution When Dealing with Insurance Companies
In most cases, you will have to deal with an insurance company to get the compensation you deserve. Just like you do at the scene of the accident, be conscious of what you say when communicating with them. It might be in your best interest to have a Florida personal injury lawyer there to guide you.
5) Document All Costs that Relate to the Injury
Insurance records, hospital bills, property damage—you must keep detailed documentation of all expenses relating to your personal injury case.
6) Be Aware of Deadlines for Filing a lawsuit
In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury case is four years for a civil court case. If you wait too long to file your lawsuit, you are out of luck.
7) Make Sure You Understand Everything You Sign
After an accident, you’ll have to sign some documents. It’s important that you understand everything that you sign, even if you are asked to sign a long time after the accident occurred. Some forms will release the other party from liability or prevent you from filing a lawsuit.
8) Get Help from a Florida Personal Injury Lawyer
Dealing with the consequences of your injury is a lot to take on alone. If you need to talk through the details of your case, we are here to help. Contact a Florida personal injury lawyer at RRBH Law today.