who has right of way at 4 way stop

Who Has the Right of Way at a 4-Way Stop?

RRBHLAWZENVehicle Accidents

Navigating intersections can be one of the most challenging aspects of driving, particularly when they involve a four-way stop. With each road converging at an intersection marked by stop signs, it’s crucial for drivers to understand who has right of way at 4 way stop.  In this blog, we’ll break down the essential rules and protocols of a four-way stop, aiming to provide a clear and concise guide to help drivers navigate these intersections safely and confidently. What is a 4-Way Stop? A four-way stop, also called an all-way stop, is an intersection with a stop sign on each road connected to it. These crossings have stop signs, sometimes with an additional sign saying “four-way,” “4-way,” or “all-way” under the known red octagonal stop sign. Four-way intersections are essential for managing and ensuring traffic safety. Cities often place these stop signs at high-crash intersections, intersections with secondary roads, or areas with limited visibility. Four-way stops reduce dangers from blind spots and unexpected vehicle crossings by stopping all approaching vehicles. Even though they improve safety, not obeying these signs causes hundreds of thousands of accidents every year, resulting in many deaths and injuries. More: Social Media and Personal Injury Claims: Online …

trip and fall lawyer

4 Tips from a Florida Trip and Fall Lawyer


If you’ve ever experienced a slip and fall accident, you understand the physical and emotional toll it can take. In addition to dealing with injuries, you may find yourself facing financial burdens due to medical bills and lost wages. Navigating the legal aspects of a slip and fall case in Florida can be complex, but with the right knowledge, you can protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Here are four essential tips from a Florida trip and fall lawyer to guide you through the process. 4 Tips from a Florida Trip and Fall Lawyer Understand Causation When pursuing a slip and fall claim, it’s crucial to establish causation. This means proving that your accident directly resulted from the property owner’s negligence. In legal terms, you must show that the accident would not have happened if the property owner had fulfilled their duty of care. Additionally, it’s essential to demonstrate that the accident was foreseeable based on the property owner’s conduct. To strengthen your case, gather evidence such as witness statements, photographs of the hazardous condition, and any relevant documentation, such as maintenance records. A seasoned trip and fall lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of causation …

do most slip and fall cases settle out of court

Do Most Slip and Fall Cases Settle Out of Court?


“Do most slip and fall cases settle out of court?” This question lingers in the minds of those who have suffered from these accidents, wondering if they will have to endure a lengthy and arduous trial process.  In this blog post, we will explore the factors that influence the settlement of slip and fall cases, shed light on the timeline for settling such cases in Florida, and provide insight into the average settlement amounts in the state.  Do Most Slip And Fall Cases Settle Out Of Court? Many slip and fall cases indeed settle out of court, and there are good reasons for this. Property owners and insurance companies involved in these cases often recognize that it is generally more cost-effective and less time-consuming to reach a settlement outside of the courtroom. However, it’s important to note that each slip and fall case is unique, and the outcome will depend on the specific facts and circumstances involved. While settlements are common, some cases may still proceed to trial if a fair resolution cannot be reached through negotiation. How Long Does It Take To Settle A Slip And Fall Case In Florida? The length of time required to settle a slip …

how long after an accident do you feel pain

How Long After a Car Accident Do You Feel Pain?


How long after a car accident do you feel pain? One of the many challenges drivers face is the aftermath of an accident. After a driver has been involved in an accident, they never quite know when the pain starts or when it will end. Studies have found that pain can take up to three minutes to set in after an accident, depending on how severe the accident was. But sometimes, it can take a lot longer to feel the effects of an accident. In some cases, it may take several weeks to feel the first pain symptoms. In this article, you will learn the possible car accident injuries, how long the pain will last, and what actions to take after a car accident. Possible Car Accident Injuries A motor vehicle collision can result in a wide range of injuries. Some injuries, like orthopedic trauma, may vary in severity based on the circumstances of the accident. Still, many common injuries occur after a car crash, including: A traumatic brain injury Any damage to any part of your brain may result in long-term complications and even death. The severity of the injury is also variable but can be broken down into …

car crash injuries

What Are Some Common Car Crash Injuries?

RRBHLAWZENVehicle Accidents

What are some common car crash injuries? Knowing what the most common car accident injuries are can help you if you are hurt because of another driver’s negligence. If you’re in an accident, stay vigilant for signs of these injuries and let your doctor know if you experience any symptoms.  What Are Some Common Car Crash Injuries? The following are some of the most common injuries suffered by motor vehicle accident victims and some of the car crash stats for 2022: Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) TBI, or traumatic brain injury, is a major problem in the United States. It accounts for over 50,000 deaths each year and 80,000 to 90,000 long-term disabilities. When the brain is damaged in a car accident, it can lead to many serious consequences, including memory loss, confusion, and even death. Therefore, if you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine if TBI has occurred. Spinal cord injuries and paralysis The spinal cord is a long bundle of nerves that runs from the brain down through the spine. Damage to this tube can stop someone from moving their legs, …

can i sue my child's school for an injury

Can I Sue My Child’s School for an Injury in Florida?

RRBHLAWZENPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida, Slip and Fall

Can I sue my child’s school for an injury? If you live in Florida, you need to know how a lawsuit against a public entity like a public school works. Here’s what to know. You remember what it was like. Playing on the playground with your friends was fun. The gym class was a blast, especially dodgeball, right? Kids got to be kids. Now that you have kids yourself, though, would you feel comfortable letting them do the same kinds of activities you did? Maybe not. Children are resilient, but even they are not invincible. Even if your children are not involved in potentially dangerous extracurriculars, they can still get hurt. Freshly mopped floors without a caution sign in sight. Loose handrails on the stairs. The question is, can you hold the school accountable if your child is hurt because of their negligence? So, can I sue my child’s school for an injury? Yes, you can. Your child’s school has a duty of care, so if they acted negligently, you can pursue damages against them. One important detail, however, may change how your case proceeds—whether the school is a private entity or a public entity. If your child attends a …

How Long after a Slip and Fall Can You Sue in Florida?

How Long after a Slip and Fall Can You Sue in Florida?

RRBHLAWZENPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida, Slip and Fall

The amount of time you have to file a lawsuit after you are injured in a fall varies by state. How long after a slip and fall can you sue in Florida? This article discusses the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits. According to 2014 data from the Florida Department of Health, falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injury hospital admissions as well as injury-related deaths in the state. Many falling injuries result in substantial medical bills and long periods of missed work, which can severely impact your ability to support yourself and your family. If you are hurt in a slip and fall accident, especially if you suspect another party’s negligence caused or contributed to your fall, it is in your best interest to explore your legal options for financial recovery. But you don’t have unlimited time to file a lawsuit, so you need to start the process sooner rather than later. In the Sunshine State, how long after a slip and fall can you sue? Florida’s Slip and Fall Statute of Limitations In Florida, the statute of limitations to file a lawsuit against a property owner for a slip and fall injury (and personal injury in …

4 Types of Catastrophic Car Accident Injuries That Should Be Compensated

4 Types of Catastrophic Car Accident Injuries That Should Be Compensated

RRBHLAWZENInsurance Litigation, Personal Injury Lawyer Florida, Vehicle Accidents

Catastrophic car accident injuries require serious medical attention. This article discusses a few situations in which you should seek compensation. Not all car accident injuries require the same amount of medical attention. Not all of them cause the same amount of pain and suffering, either. A catastrophic injury can change your life forever, leaving you with piles of medical bills and unable to work. On top of it all, your injury could leave you in constant pain and require years of rehabilitation to overcome—and that is often a best-case scenario. When your life is so irretrievably shattered, you deserve to be compensated. If you or a loved one suffer any of the following catastrophic injuries, you should speak to an attorney about what you need to do to get a fair settlement. Catastrophic Car Accident Injuries That Should Be Compensated Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal cord injuries can cause a wide range of issues, from diminished sensation to complete paralysis. Paraplegia and quadriplegia—the loss of function of the legs or all limbs respectively—can mean a life spent in a wheelchair. Aside from the lifelong cost of care following a spinal cord injury, there are also damages like loss of enjoyment and …

Why Do T-Bone Car Accidents Have the Most Injuries? The Answer Is Simple and Devastating

Why Do T-Bone Car Accidents Have the Most Injuries? The Answer Is Simple and Devastating

RRBHLAWZENblogInsurance Litigation, Vehicle Accidents

T-bone car accidents are notorious for causing severe injuries. Why does this particular type of car accident cause injuries that are so traumatic? The answer is twofold, and it is devastating: T-bone accidents usually occur at high speeds because they usually happen when one car is trying to beat a red light at an intersection. The angle of many T-bone car accidents directly impacts passengers in the other car. T-bone accidents leave little between the passenger and the significant force of the at-fault driver’s car. If the imagery this description evokes is disturbing, it’s for the best—no one should ever have to experience such an accident. Unfortunately, many people do, and they suffer the consequences—financially as well as physically—for years to come. Some suffer for the rest of their lives. Common Injuries After T-Bone Car Accidents Due to the severity of these accidents, it’s important to know what types of injuries to look out for should you ever experience one. While some severe injuries are easy to identify, some may only appear days or weeks after the accident. Here are some of the most common. Head Injuries Traumatic brain injuries are a common effect of car accidents, especially T-bone car …

Should I Sue or Settle My Car Accident Injury Claim? Here Are the Advantages of Each

Should I Sue or Settle My Car Accident Injury Claim? Here Are the Advantages of Each

RRBHLAWZENblogInsurance Litigation, Personal Injury Lawyer Florida, Vehicle Accidents

If you have been in an automobile accident, you may be wondering if you file a lawsuit or settle your car accident injury claim. While the best choice for you depends on the details of your case, each avenue has advantages. Allow us to break it down for you. Imagine you are in the hospital with a serious injury because another driver decided that the rules of the road did not apply to them. Maybe you don’t need to imagine. The good news is that, even if you decide that you need to file a lawsuit to cover your injuries and related costs, most of the time people settle out of court. Whether you are suing the insurance company or the driver responsible for your pain and suffering, here are a few things you should know about this critical decision. Advantages of Settling Before Going to Court Settling your car accident injury claim before filing a lawsuit has certain advantages. For instance, if you need money fast to cover your bills, settling can get you the cash you need. If you decide not to file a lawsuit, you can also avoid attending multiple lengthy court appearances over several months. One …

Doctor working with patient for a personal injury lawsuit

Can I Ever Reopen My Personal Injury Lawsuit? Don’t Settle Until You Read This

RRBHLAWZENblogPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida

You are about to settle your personal injury lawsuit. After estimating the cost of your ongoing medical care, you have decided that the offer will be adequate to cover expenses, so you sign on the dotted line. Fast-forward six months and you still have not regained your full capabilities. Not only is your care more expensive than you imagined, you were not able to return to work as quickly as you thought. The money from your settlement is starting to dwindle. This scenario is much too common, and it begs a critical question: can you ever reopen your personal injury case if the compensation you received in the original settlement is insufficient? In most cases, you are not going to like the answer. Here is what you need to know before settling your case. Why You Probably Cannot Reopen Your Personal Injury Lawsuit If you have settled your case, you usually cannot reopen it to seek more compensation. Why? Well, with most insurance payouts and settlement agreements, you typically have to sign a release form. This release form effectively waives your rights to seek further damages for your injuries. Most courts will uphold the release form you signed, so challenging …

How to Prevent Bicycle Accidents in Key Biscayne: 8 Safety Tips for Cyclists

How to Prevent Bicycle Accidents in Key Biscayne: 8 Safety Tips for Cyclists

RRBHLAWZENblogPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida, Vehicle Accidents

Miami is notoriously dangerous for cyclists. Bicycle accidents in Key Biscayne are especially common. Here’s how to stay safe this summer. Every summer in Miami, the roads and trails seem to fill up with bicyclists. With the restrictions surrounding COVID-19 slowly fading, this year will probably see lots of people out on their bikes. One of the most popular places to ride—Key Biscayne—is likely to see a lot of increased bicycle traffic, as well. It’s no surprise, considering the beautiful views of Biscayne Bay along the way. Unfortunately, the incidence of bicycle accidents in Key Biscayne will also rise as people start to take to the roads across the Rickenbacker Causeway and throughout the island. If you plan to ride your bike this summer, whether solo or with friends and family, here are a few things you should know about staying safe. Why Accidents Happen First, it’s important to understand why bicycle accidents happen before we discuss any safety tips. Knowing what to look out for will increase your chances of avoiding injury. Some of the most common reasons that bicycles get into accidents with automobiles include: Poor cycling infrastructure Inattentive driving and riding Failure to give right of way …

Is There A Calculator for Pain and Suffering?

RRBHLAWZENPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida, Slip and Fall, Vehicle Accidents

Has your life been altered due to someone else’s negligence? Are you unable to work and worried about falling behind on your bills as a result? This is the unfortunate circumstance that affects many individuals who suffer an injury. They fear for their current way of living, wondering how they will be able to pay the bills during their recovery period. If this has happened to you, then you know you need to be compensated. But how much? What do you need to receive to ensure you can maintain your normal life? In this instance, many insurance adjusters will bring up what is called a pain and suffering calculator. This will give a glimpse into the expenses accrued over the recovery period as well as money lost due to their inability to work. When you’ve been injured, your pain and suffering are more than a math formula. Personal injury attorneys will look much deeper into your case to determine just how much your life has altered due to the injury—or injuries—sustained. What is a pain and suffering calculator? Ask anyone who has been injured before and they’ll tell you that their mortgage company doesn’t care that they’re out of work—they …

florida personal injury statute of limitations

Florida Personal Injury Statute of Limitations? Here’s What You Should Know

RRBHLAWZENblogPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida, Slip and Fall

No matter whether you have been hurt in a car accident, a slip and fall, or another accident that causes you harm, if you want to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in Florida, you need to understand the Florida personal injury statute of limitations. Want to learn more so that you can legally pursue your case? Keep reading for more details about the statute of limitations and the filing deadline. The Florida Personal Injury Statute of Limitations You can find the statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Florida in section 95.11(3)(a) of the Florida Statutes. In most cases, you have four years from the date of your accident to seek compensation. To do this, you will need to file a civil lawsuit. The Filing Deadline If you attempt to file your civil suit after four years have passed, the court will probably dismiss your case. When your case is dismissed, you will have lost your right to seek compensation for your injuries, even if they have affected your quality of life. You should also be aware that this statute of limitations does not only pertain to civil lawsuits. It also applies to any settlement negotiations with the person …

distracted driving in florida

Distracted Driving in Florida: 5 Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road

RRBHLAWZENblogInsurance Litigation, Personal Injury Lawyer Florida, Vehicle Accidents

According to the CDC, 3,450 people were killed in 2016 because of distracted driving in the United States. If that number doesn’t make you stop, then let’s consider the impact of distracted driving in Florida. Gov. Ron DeSantis recently said that in 2016, 50,000 accidents happened because of distractions behind the wheel. In those accidents, 233 people died. Many others were injured. Perhaps numbers such as these are part the reason that the Florida legislature passed and DeSantis signed into law a bill that took effect July 1. The new law treats texting while driving as a primary offense, which means that law enforcement can now pull over drivers simply for texting or messing with their phone while their car is in motion. The point behind this law is to keep people safe. That’s also the point behind this blog post. What Is Distracted Driving? There are three types of distracted driving: Visual – taking your eyes off the road Manual – taking your hands off the wheel Cognitive – concentrating on things other than driving Want to avoid distracted driving and make the road a safer place for everyone? Put these simple tips into practice to help reduce distracted …

common slip and fall injuries

Common Slip and Fall Injuries That Entitle You to Compensation

RRBHLAWZENblogPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida, Slip and Fall

Slip and fall injuries can be serious, even life-threatening. In fact, slip and fall accidents are one of the most common reasons that people visit the emergency room in Florida. If you were hurt because of someone else’s negligence, you might be entitled to compensation. To better understand how to communicate how your injuries have affected you to your doctor and attorney, here are some of the most common injuries that arise from slip and fall accidents. Broken Bones Falls are often forceful enough to break bones. Broken arms, legs, fingers, and hips are common, though slip and fall accidents can result in broken bones almost anywhere on the body. Age also plays an important role in how severe the broken bone is because of illnesses like osteoporosis, though such details rarely matter from a legal standpoint. No matter what age you are, you are entitled to compensation to help you pay for medical treatment. Knee Damage In many slip and fall accidents, victims may twist as they fall, which can cause serious injury to the knees and connected ligaments and tissue. Because knees are intricate, they can take a long time to heal, especially if you hurt the ligaments …

settlement results for personal injury

Settlement Results For Personal injury: Case Examples

RRBHLAWZENPersonal Injury Lawyer Florida

Below are examples of our settlement results for personal cases.   Each case is different and your results may vary but you can be confident that our attorneys will fight for your rights. $500,000* settlement for a trip and fall at a confidential retail store. Client tripped and fell injuring her elbows and right knee that required surgical intervention. Mr. Blanco-Herrera was able to secure the Plaintiff a $500,000.00 settlement. $200,000* Plaintiff was riding a scooter and was hit by a motor vehicle. The Plaintiff fractured his ankle as a result of the accident. Mr. Blanco-Herrera was able to secure the Plaintiff a $200,000.00 Settlement without having to secure surgery to that ankle. $100,000* Plaintiff was driving her motor vehicle on Alligator Alley when she was hit by a teenage driver causing neck, and left knee injuries. Mr. Blanco-Herrera was able to secure the Plaintiff a $100,000.00 Settlement without having to undergo surgery. $390,000 Plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle that was sideswiped by a recycling truck. Plaintiff injured his neck and required a cervical fusion. Mr. Blanco-Herrera was able to secure the Plaintiff a $390,000.00 settlement. $125,000* Plaintiff was sitting in a parked vehicle when she was sideswiped by …