proof of loss form

What Is a Proof of Loss Form? Some Advice on This Critical Document

RRBHLAWZENblogHomeowners' Insurance, Insurance Litigation

When you file a claim for a loss, your insurance provider will often require that you complete a document called a Proof of Loss form. This document details the damages that you intend to claim. It is usually one page long, though sometimes it may come with attachments.

On the form, you will need to provide specific information that the insurance provider asks you to provide, including the time and date that the loss occurred, the type of loss, your policy limits, and what damages you are seeking. Some Proof of Loss forms may allow, or even require, you to provide any damage estimates to support your claim.

You will need to fill out the form completely, get it notarized, and send it back to the company within the deadline your insurance company provides. Usually, you must complete it within 60 days.

How to Fill Out Your Proof of Loss Form

First, you will need a copy of your insurance policy. Your policy will tell you what you must include in your Proof of Loss, however, in most instances, it will require the following:

  • Your coverage amounts at the time of the loss
  • The date the loss occurred
  • The cause of the loss
  • Documents that support your claim, including repair estimates, receipts, and home inventory information
  • Who is claiming the loss under your policy
  • Your policy number

What to Remember When Filling Out Your Proof of Loss Form

The first thing that you need to remember when completing this form is that you need to fill it out accurately. If you do not provide a complete picture of the situation, your insurance provider could severely underpay or deny your claim. Anything you include in your form needs to be factual with evidence to back it up.

You also need to be aware of the time requirements set out in your policy. Check your policy to see how long you have after the loss to submit your Proof of Loss form. Taking too long could jeopardize your payout.

Finally, you will also need to get detailed estimates of the damage that has occurred. This includes receipts for damaged or destroyed items and quotes for repairs.

What Happens If You Don’t Submit a Proof of Loss Form?

If your insurance company requests this document, you absolutely must comply before you can move forward with your claim or file a lawsuit against them. Failing to provide this documentation could leave you without recourse for compensation.

Talk to a Qualified Insurance Attorney Today

Not sure how to fill out all the required paperwork for your insurance claim? Think you might need legal help to pursue your case? The attorneys at RRBH Law are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our insurance litigation attorneys.