Young driver holding steering wheel

Florida Auto Accident Checklist: 3 Steps to Take Right after an Accident

RRBHLAWZENblogVehicle Accidents

Approximately 17,000 car accidents happen every day in the United States. Want to be prepared in case you experience one? Keep this Florida Auto Accident Checklist close by.

Make Sure Everyone Is Safe

Between 30,000 and 40,000 people in the U.S. die from auto accidents every year. The most important thing to remember after you’ve been in an accident is that cars are replaceable: people aren’t.

Even after an accident that seems minor, check to make sure that everyone in your vehicle is uninjured and then ask those in the other vehicle if they need any medical attention. If any injuries are apparent, call 911 immediately and ask for emergency medical personnel.

If you remember one thing from this Florida Auto Accident Checklist, this is the one to remember.

Get the Documentation You Need

In the confusion of a car accident, it can be easy to forget to get all the relevant information you need. Here’s what you should document after an accident:

  • The other driver’s insurance information (company name, agent, and policy number)
  • Photos of the accident, including damage to all vehicles involved and any property
  • Photos of objects at the scene of the accident (skid marks, accident debris, etc.)
  • Photos of street signs and your car together to orient the accident
  • Name and contact information of any witnesses

Do not allow the other party to photograph your driver’s license, and don’t give out any personal information, like your address.

Follow Your Florida Auto Accident Checklist, Then Call Your Attorney

You might think that you only need an attorney if your insurance claim doesn’t pay out, but you’d be surprised by what can happen without legal protection. If you want to make sure that you get the most from your payout, keep our number handy. Call us today to go over your case. 305-800-4663