Do You Know When the Time Is Right to Sue Your Insurance? Insurance claims don’t always work the way that they should. Sometimes policyholders feel like they should have received more for their claims. Sometimes they feel like their claim was denied for little to no reason. One of the most common questions we receive is whether you can sue your own insurance company—the answer is a resounding yes. Whatever your circumstances, if you feel like you weren’t given a fair share, it might be time to sue your insurance company. If you notice these five signs, it’s time to call your attorney. #1: Your Insurance Denies Your Claim without Explanation When your insurance company denies a claim, they usually provide an explanation for the denial. Similarly, your company may have denied your claim without a thorough and proper investigation in the hopes that you will not challenge their decision. But by law, they are required to carefully investigate your claim to determine coverage. If your insurance does not explain the basis for the denial or fails to take your claim seriously, then you should seek legal counsel. #2: Your Insurance Excessively Delays Your Claim The purpose of insurance companies …